Elevate Photo Exhibition

Model Pictured Tristan

Model Pictured Tristan


I had the opportunity to share some photos for a group exhibition, Elevate. The event was created by Chris Lowe, Bernice Johnson & Zamour Johnson. They created an event centered around the emotional health of black men, and invited an amazing amount of black artists to help prompt this conversation.

Solitude When I Exhale, was a piece that I felt would help remove shame, and negative stigmas for black men when it comes to emotional expression, and mental health. I wanted to capture a form of release for black men. From childhood to adulthood black men and boys are taught to demonstrate dominance over each other, in an effort to validate their masculinity. They are told to hide and suppress their emotions, in a society that doesn't accurately represent them. I wanted to help create a conversation for black men to realize that there is strength in vulnerability.

When creating these photos I got the chance to speak with Tristan about the last time that he cried, his relationship with emotional vulnerability when he was younger; and the ways in which we as a community can create easier forms of open communication, for black boys during their childhood. “The last time I cried was last year during the summer time. It was randomly on a bus because I was just down and just thinking about a lot of stuff, and then I saw a kid that was happy with his mom. I was thinking back to simpler times, and I just started crying.”

If you missed it and you’re interested in seeing these pieces, the exhibit will be up until March 13th. These pieces are also available for purchase, $55 each. The proceeds are being donated to The Canadian Center for Men and Families, support if you can.

Tiana Smith